Tag Archives: sleep

Where Did I Go Wrong?


Sometimes when I feel like my life is running away from me, I spend a little time wondering about where I went wrong. I actively try and pinpoint certain things that I did to sabotage my progress. During my recent weight gain and mini-eating disorder relapse, I made a list of some of the things I did that I noticed create stress or bigger issues for myself. I found it to be extremely helpful, and it helped me locate all the places where I was going wrong. Try it out, it can be very informative.

Where I went wrong:

  • not drinking enough water
  • not drinking enough green juices
  • not getting enough sleep
  • eating too late at night
  • not working out in the morning
  • not sticking to goals
  • not sticking to meal plans
  • over-eating at one time, not spacing out meals
  • doing the same workout repeatedly
  • snacking while cooking
  • not spending enough time outside
  • not reading the Bible daily
  • not stretching after every workout
  • not recording every meal
  • snacking on too many meal bars (Clif, Lara, Luna, etc…)
  • not eating enough vegetables
  • skipping yoga classes
  • skipping school classes
  • not cleaning up after myself
  • not doing enough core work
  • ignoring strength training
  • skipping derby practice
  • not walking my dog every day
  • not spending my money wisely

Tips to Bump Up Your Workout


1. Make it intense- bump up the intensity at least once a week. Add intervals when you’re cycling, or add a yoga class to your run day.

2. Take it outside- getting off of the treadmill can add fresh air and new scenery to your workout. Also, the terrain change will challenge your body and make it work harder.

3. NEVER skip a warm-up or cool-down- these help you avoid injury and minimize muscle soreness. Mixing stretching with light cardio helps you warm up your muscles as you stretch them to avoid muscle injury.

4. Always keep your gym bag nearby- store your gym bag in your trunk, complete with clothes, shoes, headphones, and a water bottle. That way, you always have the gear you need to squeeze in a workout. 

5. Get 8 hours of sleep EVERY night, no matter what.

6. Practice good form- perfecting your form not only helps you avoid injury, but it will allow you to get the desired results from each exercise. Keep your shoulders back, chest out, and core engaged. 

7. Make a schedule- schedule your workouts so you cannot skip them.

8. Include yoga- yoga compliments nearly every other type of physical activity- horseback riding, ballet, running, body building, swimming, cycling, weight lifting, skateboarding, gymnastics, etc… It challenges the body’s core and balance while giving you a full-body stretch and toning your muscles. 

9. Hydrate- drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

10. Join a class or grab a buddy- socializing while you work out can help keep things interesting, and adding a little friendly competition can give you the motivational boost you need! 

11. Make a session with a trainer- scheduling an appointment with a personal trainer will help you make sure you are getting your form right, and it’s always good to get tips, ideas, and suggestions from a pro!

12. Workout in the morning- getting your body going in the morning sparks calorie burn throughout the day!

13. A short workout is better than no workout- Even a dynamic 15-20 minute session or a 1 mile jog can bump up your daily calorie burn, and will help you maintain focus on living a healthy lifestyle.

14. Sign up for a race- give yourself a goal to work toward, and motivation to succeed.

15. Try something new- add a fresh workout to your routine, or take a class that you’ve never taken before. It will shake up your metabolism and keep things interesting.