Tag Archives: author

Are You Drowning in Life?


Have you ever felt that you are being completely smothered by your life? Like you have slipped under the current and now you can’t catch your footing? Like you just can’t seem to catch a break?

Well trust me, I know exactly how you feel. In fact, it seems that a lot of people that I have spoken to recently are having a difficult time with life in general right now. It is easy to get swept up in the urgency of things; the meetings, lectures, due dates, planners, assignments, responsabilities, etc… Life moves quickly, and if you cannot learn to juggle all of the demands that you have placed upon yourself or allowed to be placed upon you, then you will most certainly drown. 

So are we all doomed to a miserable, hectic fate? I am happy to say NO! Absolutely not. There is not reason that we should spend our lives been swallowed by stress and pressure. That’s no way to live. There is no enjoyment in that. 

Tell me this, which group of words sounds better?

A. Chaos, busy schedules, deadlines, appointments, assignments, tasks, to-do lists, meetings, projects, chores, requests, bills, letters, phone calls, alarms, text messages, e-mails, memos, reminders, jobs, expectations, rushing, demands…..

B. Beauty, awareness, relaxation, appreciation, gratitude, acknowledgement, vitality, energy, tranquility, free time, hobbies, peace, simplicity, bliss, joy, improvement, opportunity, possibility, dreams, passion, pleasure, fulfillment, adventure, nature, travel…

Honestly…which life would you chose?

Well, with the help of Elaine St. James, I am choosing option B.! Elaine St. James is the author of the books “Simplify Your Life”, “”Living the Simple Life”, and “Inner Simplicity”, and she is an expert on simplifying your life and making room for the things we truly enjoy. I adore her books, and over the next several weeks as I read them all, I am going to share some of the best tips with you, so that you can benefit from her amazing amounts of wisdom and make some space for yourself in your own life.

Inspiring Teachers


I was inspired today. Not like a big wave of it that I get to drown in inspiration, but a nice shower of it. At least enough to get my hair a bit wet. 

I was attempting to pay attention at 12:30 this afternoon to my “Intro to Social Issues” lecture, when my professor said something that really hit me. 

How many people here have ever thought that you might someday write a book?

a few hands go up

How many of you think you will actually write your book?


Do you know what the only difference is between a person who wants to write a book an an author?……. Actually writing the book.


I love having brilliant professors (specifically Robert Ackerman, founder of NACOA). I love being able to swim around in their brilliantness (accept my bastardization of the English language) and feed off of their experiences. I just want to open their brains and swim around inside for a while. I know that’s kind of creepy, but it’s the truth, and I’m not ashamed of it. I want to eat their brains. Literally.

Anyway, that brilliant little wisdom-bomb he dropped on the class really struck me. I have all of these bucket lists lying around, and I just assume that I will get to them eventually. How boring is that?!?! I don’t want to be that person! I don’t want to be a girl that just waits around for things to happen. I have never been that girl, so why have I sort of developed into her lately?

I have no idea…but it freaking stops NOW!!


I’m writing a book!